"Does it better" will always beat "did it first"
~ Aaron Levie, CEO at Box
At The UX Company, we believe that real innovation comes from understanding people. If you understand your users better than anyone else, you can solve their problems better than anyone else.

The companies dominating the stock market aren’t those determined to be first to market, or even to have the most powerful product. They understand people, and put their needs ahead of everything else.

Read on to learn how to avoid doing everything backwards.
“To be a great designer, you need to look a little deeper into how people think and act.
~ Paul Boag, Co-Founder of Headscape Limited
A common scenario:
The client has an idea in his head of how the end result should look. The designer tries to balance his need to please the client with his own idea of what looks good. After lots of back and forth, finally they settle on a compromise that may or may not resonate with anyone.

Our approach:
Start by learning about the people you want to connect with, then keep that as the focus for the entire process. We don’t get into discussions of what you think vs. what we think — none of that matters. We keep the users at the center of the process and let our observations tell us what’s working and what’s not. Before we release anything, we already know if it’s working.
Usability answers the question, “Can the user accomplish their goal?”
~Joyce Lee, Human Factors Design at Apple
A common scenario:
The application or website is launched.  Problems begin to surface such as high bounce rates, low sales, poor user adoption, or usability problems that impact productivty.  Problems are identified and the dev team gets to work rebuilding what they just spent tons of money and several months to build in the first place, hoping they don’t face the same response to the next release.

Our approach:
Start by learning about the people you are building the application or website for, then keep that as the focus for the entire process.  Involve users early and often.  Research, design, prototype, test, reiterate, test again, etc until users get it and love it.  No guessing.  We identify, understand and solve usability problems well before launch.
“Analytics tell you what’s working and what’s not.
User research tells you why.
~ Nick Todd, Founder of UXCO
A common scenario:
Lots of companies learn about marketing products and techniques, then throw huge amounts of money at them.  At some point, they end up hearing somehow how people feel about it, and whether or not it connected with people.

Our approach:
Start by learning about the people you want to connect with. Find out what makes them tick.  Why they get up in the morning.  Their goals, motivations, and pains.  Empathize with them, until you totally forget about trying to sell anything — rather the focus becomes  filling a real need in a real persons life.  Now keep that as the focus of every marketing decision you ever make.

Let us show you that our approach works.